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A monofilament base is the perfect way to get a nice natural and light wearing wig! The hair is hand sewn onto a transparent soft breathable mesh base which lets your own skin tone show through. This means your hair looks super real, and your skin can breathe with a really good airflow, whilst it matches your skin tone. As the hair is tied on the mesh base, parting the hair is extremely easy to do on a monofilament top. Our pictures below show how natural the hair looks!
You can sleek the hair down for a flat natural look, or style the roots upwards for a fuller appearance! The hairline on these wigs is also a lot closer to your skin, making side parts a lot more realistic. Generally the whole top of the wig, not the sides, are monofilament, but if you have a mono part, just the parting area of the wig is monofilament - this makes the piece more affordable. A mono top is perfect for people with a sensitive scalp as it is softer and lighter than a regular wig.